
Anticipation for Facial Animation

Jung-Ju Choi, Dong-Sun Kim, and In-Kwon Lee, "Anticipation for Facial Animation", In Proceedings of Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) 2004, Geneva, Switzerland, July 7-9, 2004.
According to traditional 2D animation techniques, anticipation makes an animation much convincing and expressive. We present an automatic method for inserting anticipation effects to an existing facial animation. Our approach assumes that an anticipatory facial expression can be found within an existing facial animation if it is long enough. Vertices of the face model are classified into a set of components using principal components analysis directly from a given key-framed and/or motion-captured facial animation data. The vertices in a single component will have similar directions of motion in the animation. For each component, the animation is examined to find an anticipation effect for the given facial expression. One of those anticipation effects is selected as the best anticipation effect, which preserves the topology of the face model. The best anticipation effect is automatically blended with the original facial animation while preserving the entire duration of the animation.
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