
Video Painting Based on a Stabilized Time-Varying Flow Field

Jong-Chul Yoon, In-Kwon Lee, and Henry Kang, "Video Painting Based on a Stabilized Time-Varying Flow Field", IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics (SCI), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 58-67, 2012, January 2012
We present a method for constructing 3D feature flow from video and its application to video stylization. Our method extracts smoothly aligned 3D vectors that describe the smallest variation of colors within a spatiotemporal video cube, and thus effectively preserves both spatial and temporal coherence in a relatively inexpensive manner. As an application of this flow field we present a particle-based video stylization technique to rerender the video in a feature enhancing, painterly style. Our method consists of per-pixel operations and is suitable for GPU implementation, which enables real-time video stylization.