
Sang-Bin Jeon awarded Graduate School Innovation Excellent Thesis Prize

At the awards ceremony for outstanding graduate theses innovation held on January 3, 2023, Jeon Sang-bin, a master's student at CGnA, won the Best Paper Award in the College of Computing. This year, a total of 11 Yonsei University graduate students, one from each college, were awarded the prize for publishing papers during the year 2022. The awarded paper titled "Dynamic Optimal Space Partitioning for Redirected Walking in Multi-user Environment" was presented at SIGGRAPH 2022 and published in the ACM Transactions on Graphics journal. Congratulations to Sang-Bin.
2023년 1월 3일에 열린 대학원혁신우수논문 시상식에서 CGnA의 전상빈 (석사과정) 학생이 인공지능융합대학 최우수 논문상을 수상하였습니다. 이번 논문상은 2022년 한해 동안 논문을 출간한 연세대학교 대학원생 중에 각 단과대학에서 1인씩 총 11명이 수상하였습니다. 해당 논문은 SIGGRAPH 2022에서 발표하고 ACM Transactions on Graphics 저널에 실린 "Dynamic Optimal Space Partitioning for Redirected Walking in Multi-user Environment" 입니다. 전상빈에게 축하를 보냅니다.