
Exaggerating Character Motions Using Sub-joint Hierarchy

Ji-Yong Kwon, and In-Kwon Lee, "Exaggerating Character Motions Using Sub-joint Hierarchy", Computer Graphics Forum (SCIE), Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 1677-1686, 2008, 2008
Motion capture cannot generate cartoon-style animation directly. We emulate the rubber-like exaggerations common in traditional character animation as a means of converting motion capture data into cartoon-like movement. We achieve this using trajectory-based motion exaggeration while allowing the violation of link-length constraints. We extend this technique to obtain smooth, rubber-like motion by dividing the original links into shorter sub-links and computing the positions of joints using Bézier curve interpolation and a mass-spring simulation. This method is fast enough to be used in real time.