
Toward Intuitive Reset in Redirected Walking: Evaluating Visual, Auditory, and Multimodal Interfaces

The following paper has been finally accepted for the IEEE VR 2025 conference journal track:
Ho Jung Lee, Hyunjeong Kim, and In-Kwon Lee,"Multimodal Turn in Place: A Comparative Analysis of Visual and Auditory Reset UIs in Redirected Walking"
The paper will be presented at IEEE VR 2025, March 08-12, 2025, in Saint-Malo, France, and simultaneously published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG), a top-tier journal in the field of computer graphics and virtual reality.
아래 논문이 IEEE VR 2025 conference journal track에 최종 accept 되었습니다:
Ho Jung Lee, Hyunjeong Kim, and In-Kwon Lee,"Multimodal Turn in Place: A Comparative Analysis of Visual and Auditory Reset UIs in Redirected Walking"
본 논문은 2025년 3월 23일 - 27일 프랑스 생말로에서 개최되는 IEEE VR 2025에서 발표되며, 동시에 computer graphics 및 virtual reality 분야의 top-tier journal인 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG)에 게재될 예정입니다.