
Awarded Best Paper at IEEE VR 2024

At the IEEE VR 2024 conference held in Orlando, USA last March, the paper "Redirection Strategy Switching: Selective Redirection Controller for Dynamic Environment Adaptation" presented by Ho Jung Lee and others won the Best Paper award. This award was given to six excellent papers within 1% of all papers submitted to this conference.
이호정 등이 지난 3월 미국 올란도에서 개최된 IEEE VR 2024 학술대회에서 발표한 paper "Redirection Strategy Switching: Selective Redirection Controller for Dynamic Environment Adaptation" 가 Best Paper 상을 수상하였습니다. 이 상은 이 학술대회에 submit 되었던 모든 논문들 가운데 1% 이내의 우수한 논문들 6편에게 주어졌습니다.